August 8, 2010

Titus, Loving the Camera... yeah, not really. Here are a few of the shots we were able to capture last week when we took little man to JCPenny's for some pictures. He was doing just great until we took him out of the car seat. Then he decided he was hungry once the photographer was ready. Sooooo we paused for a feeding. Then the photographer tried to help Titus get his glamour on and Titus was not in the mood for glamour! I was so proud! We had a few other outfits to take shots in........but as you can see, below, we didn't quite make it that far. They had this great idea that they could get him into his "I'm too sexy" position, pull his binky and he'd never notice. Wanna guess how that worked out? As the crying continued, the photographer attempted one failed shot after another. Although, in the end Titus finally allowed them to take a few shots. That's my boy! Enjoy!

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